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The first step to making an attack is to know your enemy its strengths and weaknesses. Great people have said to attack your enemy’s weaknesses and others have said to attack their strengths as they won’t expect it. Since the men who have made these statements are viewed as great military experts I will not disrespect there idea’s. So I offer another solution, it is fundamental to have intelligence on your opponent. You need to know where are there units how fast they move and what kind of capabilities they have. Great offences are not made by massing two hundred units and sending them to attack, great offences are attacks that destroy your enemy or cripple their inner workings. As this is only a game the killing of defenseless units is not considered an evil action. While you are attacking you have to make the most out of your units and make sure that they are being replaced as they will most likely perish. To see how this is done see the Tactics Page (currently not available). When you are in the battle you have to recognize what are your goals in the encounter. If you have ten dragoons engaging the enemy units and you see that the enemy forces are greater then yours you need to set a goal. Since your dragoons will fight long and hard for you need to realize that your units behind them are free to attack another objective. The primary objective is your opponents main resource deposit center, the secondary objective is the technology they posses. This is where you need to know your enemy, for Terran opponents not as much considering that it is quite easy to overpower them, but for Zerg you should focus on attacking there spawning pool as most players only construct one as well as the Hydralisk Den. While facing another Protoss player you have to take away the ability for them to create the units they are using against you. If your opponent is using masses of air units to defend their base the rebuild time for these units is usually longer then that of the ground units that you are producing. Which gives you an edge, as well most air groups are on a hotkey and constantly being massed in a small area. Since they are in a tight formation an area affect damage would surely help, fro those of you who haven’t played the original Starcraft you may not know that the High Templars are the most destructive unit in the game. Before mass Dark Templars came about it was mass Archons, but the High Templars are not used for Archons mostly but for there Psi Storm. A tightly packed group of any air units will be destroyed by four High Templars using only two Psi Storm attacks.
Retreat has never come easy as you are admitting that your enemy is stronger then you and it gives them a confidence boost. Yet it is still a option that you need to be aware of, the only time you should retreat is if your units are not equipped to fight your opponents and by that if your adversary has lurkers cluttering his choke and you are sending in dragoons without an observer you have to consider the impact that the units you send will have. This option should only be used if you require the units that you chose to retreat. Some people retreat from an attack as they are currently under attack in their own base. Let me stress that this maneuver should not be used unless you are facing multiple opponents and you will not survive. If you are playing a two versus two game and your base is under attack then your ally if he is not also engaging the enemy with his massed army should help your defenses if you ask for help. It is ok to leave a battle to save yourself but only if your attack has severely destroyed any threat of counterattack within a short amount of time from the player you were attacking.
1 versus 1 replay
- The replay shows how a constant attack on your enemy works. Commandr continuously attacks the hatchery with the two waves of twelve zealots, until the third wave contains twelve dragoons at which point the target is to destroy the entire base and not just the hatchery, the fourth wave which also contains twelve dragoons finishes the game.
This is all a game whether you live or die means nothing for we will all die eventually. Delaying the inevitable may be worse then death.
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