Peach, D.A.H., and L.M. Poirier. 2020. New distribution records and range extensions of mosquitoes in British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 117:69-74.

Thompson, N.P., K.J. Lewis, and L.M. Poirier. 2018. Adjacency to a harvest trail increases drought resistance of interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) in partially harvested stands in central British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research e-First article, p. 1-12. DOI:

Poirier, L.M. 2017. Production of epicormic buds by Douglas-fir in central British Columbia, Canada, following defoliation by western spruce budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 114: 73-76 Link

Barbehenn, R.V., J. Kochmanski, B. Menachem and L.M. Poirier. 2013. Allocation of cysteine for glutathione production in caterpillars with different antioxidant defense strategies: a comparison of Lymantria dispar and Malacosoma disstria. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 84: 90-103

Witter, L.A., C.J. Johnson, B. Croft, A. Gunn and L.M. Poirier. 2012. Gauging climate change effects at local scales: weather-based indices to monitor insect harassment in caribou. Ecol. Appl. 22: 1838–1851

Poirier, L.M. and K.E. Berry. 2011. New distribution information for Coquillettidia perturbans (Walker) (Diptera, Culicidae) in northern British Columbia, Canada. J. Vector Ecology 36: 461-463 DOI: 10.1111/j.1948-7134.2011.00190.x

Poirier, L.M. and J.H. Borden. 2011. Effect of artificial diet components on conspecific repellency of larval oral secretions from western spruce budworm  (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Can. Entomol. 143: 384-387

Borden, J.H., D.S. Pureswaran and L.M. Poirier. 2004. Evaluation of two repellent semiochemicals for deterring attack by the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). J. Entomol. Soc. B.C.  101: 117-124

Poirier, L.M. and J.H. Borden. 2001. Qualitative analyses of larval oral exudate from eastern and western spruce budworms (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). J. Entomol. Soc. Brit. Columbia. 98: 243-250

Poirier, L.M. and J.H. Borden. 2000. The effect of insect source and rearing medium on the intraspecific repellency of eastern and western spruce budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larval oral exudate. Can. Entomol. 132: 81-89.


Gelok, E, R. McGregor, D. Henderson and L. Poirier. 1998. Seasonal occurrence and parasitism of Bucculatrix ainsliella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) on Quercus rubra in Burnaby, British Columbia. J. Entomol. Soc. Brit. Columbia. 95: 111-116.


Poirier, L.M. and J.H. Borden. 1996. Repellency of oral exudate to eastern and western spruce budworm larvae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). J. Chem. Ecol. 22: 907-918.


Poirier, L.M. and J.H. Borden. 1995. Oral exudate as a mediator of behaviour in larval eastern and western spruce budworms (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). J. Insect Behav. 8: 801-811.


Poirier, L.M. and J.H. Borden. 1992. Some effects of population density on the life history of the obliquebanded leafroller. J. Appl. Entomol. 113: 307-314.


Poirier, L.M. and J.H. Borden. 1991. Recognition and avoidance of previously-laid egg masses by the obliquebanded leafroller. J. Insect Behav. 4(4): 501-508.

Dr. Lisa M. Poirier



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