Our Know-How

brain work                                                        

My expertise lies in a completely different area from my daughters.  I can tell you everything that I know on how to strength train whereas she is the crafty one.  Weight training began right after high school when I met some people that were training for competitive bodybuilding.  I didn't compete but trained with these individuals for many years at the same pace as them.  Years later, while training at Spartacus in Vancouver, met someone who had been an Olympic Power Lifter and started training with him.  Over the years I have learned that it is quite possible for women to gain massive amounts of strength without looking like huge muscle men.  Of course the women that we seen in some magazines have trained to the excess and the pictures show them with very limited bodyfat.  I more than exceeded the amount of weight I had ever envisioned for myself.  A few years ago I decided to make the effort to beat the bench press record here at the University.  I did wasn't that happy with my weight of benching 205.  I wanted to beat my person best but life was getting in the way of training so decided to do it then.  Unfortunately since the gym moved, the records are no longer posted.   My person best on the bench is 245 lbs and squatting 315 lbs.  

         dumbbells               www.buildingbodymuscles.com/images/free-weigh...

As for Jazzmyn,  she is very good at finger knitting.  She can sit down and in about 5 minutes have a long chain of wool.  Because she had made so many of these I have had to find uses throughout the house.  They are very useful for holding back the drapes, belts, necklaces for her webkins, etc.  These are so easy to make.  Here are the steps she uses:

1.  Make sure that you have no rings on your fingers, with the ball of wall tie a slip knot around the thumb of your left hand.  

2.  Slowly weave the wool around your forefinger heading to the pinky.

3.  Once at the pinky then weave back to your thumb going in the opposite directions around your fingers

4. Continue until you get the desired length of chain.  When you are finished, use the wool connected to the ball at the thumb to pull another slip knot over the thumb.

5.  Do another slipknow to the second knuckle on the index finger and pull the string over.  The loop can be loosened after being pulled over.    Continue to loop the string     over each of the fingers and when finished fingers, tie a knot.  

finger knitting

The brain picture at the top is borrowed from www.yesandspace.com.au/...brain-right-side.jpg