Descriptions of the Main Characters


    Garfield is essentially the main character of this cartoon.  He is a lazy cat who "HATES MONDAYS"!  He lives with his owner, Jon, and his brother, Odie the dog.  He sleeps all day, steals Jon's food, and picks on Odie.  He has a small teddy bear, Pooky, whom he loves dearly and keeps near him at all times.  He even has a girlfriend, Penelope the CatHe loves lasagna, whacks spiders and guzzles coffee. He is the ODDEST cat you will ever meet!

Garfield pictures



    Odie is a dog who loves Garfield.  He wants to be his friend, even though Garfield keeps kicking him off the table!  It seems as if he is not the brightest puppy in the world, but he really is more cunning and sly than he lets off.  He loves taking walks with Jon, and he gets a kick out o f chasing

Odie pictures



    Jon Arbuckle is the owner of Garfield.  He works in an office, hates his job and can't get a girlfriend.  Essentially, he is a loser.  Jon wakes up every morning and guzzles coffee with Garfield, hoping he will have a good day.  Any time he reads the newspaper, Garfield shreds it.  He just can't get a break!

Jon Pictures