From: "Paula Poirier" To: "Chris Hawkins (E-mail)" ; "Chris Maundrell (E-mail)" ; "Chris O. (E-mail)" ; "Dan Lousier (E-mail)" ; "Jocelyn (E-mail)" ; "Kathy P. (E-mail)" ; "Laurie (E-mail)" ; "Lisa (E-mail)" ; "Lito Arocena (E-mail)" ; "Mike (E-mail)" ; "Nicole" ; "Oscar (E-mail)" ; "Paula (E-mail)" ; "Roy Rea (E-mail)" ; "Steve" ; "Sue (E-mail)" Cc: "Bill McGill" Subject: Student summer jobs Date: November 22, 2001 3:55 PM Hello All: I have Interfor and Slocan (Mackenzie) on campus today interviewing our forestry students for summer positions. Both companies are very, very impressed with our students and will be hiring - however, they were concerned about the number of resumes that they received - both companies only received about 25 resumes. Could you please make your students aware of my job board and of the number of companies that advertise with me for summer positions. Currently I have 10 advertisements. I post the advertisements on my job board (outside my office) as well as UNBC's electronic job board. This is a great opportunity for the students to gain forestry experience and certainly a good way to help pay for their education. In many cases, summer students gain permanent positions with these employers after summer work experience, for example - Darryl Carter, Kane Copley, Ross Lennox, Jen Stalker and Christine Bock are all full time employees of Slocan, Mackenzie. thanks for your help, Paula L. Poirier Forestry Program Secretary UNBC 3333 University Way Prince George, BC., V2N 4Z9 250-960-6664 (phone) 250-960-5539 (fax)