My name is Mike Gallagher and I'm 27 years old. I was born in Ottawa, Ontario and currently reside in Cambridge, Ontario which I have called home for the last 22 years. I attended Southwood Secondary School as a teenager and was very active in the athletic department. I lettered as a freshmen in football and continued to letter as an all-star throughout my football career. I also participated in high school varsity basketball and tennis. Since high school I've attended five different postsecondary institutions (University of Toronto, Grande Prairie Regional College, University of Western Ontario, College of New Caledonia, and currently The University of Northern British Columbia). I majored in physical education of my first 4 years (incomplete) and I have received my diploma in Marketing & Management, and am currently working on completing a B Comm in general business.

I have five other members in my family, including three brothers and both my parents. My father is a surgeon (Urologist) and practices at Cambridge Memorial Hospital, my mother is a nurse and also teaches aerobics at the YMCA. My brother Mathew is 25 years old and is currently doing post-graduate work at the University of Windsor, Matt attended Concordia University in Montreal where he studied history and stared as a strong safety on their varsity football team. Nicholas who is 19 years of are is Attending Acadia University and starting as an inside receiver on their varsity football team. My youngest brother Morgan who is 18 is Attending Southwood Secondary School and excels in both football and basketball. As you can see my family are sports fanatic's. My father has seasons tickets for the leafs, and divides them up between all the brothers.

I have worked every summer as a student since the age of sixteen. My first job was at a go kart track located in Kitchener, Ontario. I worked their for five summers, and loved every minute of it. My second job was at my best friends business (Ball Machinery), which only lasted for one summer since the job was dirty and dangerous. And for the last six years I've worked at Hostess Frito-lay in Cambridge, Ontario. Until this summer I had always worked as a shipper & receiver in the warehouse. With the human resource department aware of my current education goals and aspirations I was offered a job upon graduation as a ICS (inventory control systems) warehouse manager. I spent three weeks this summer training for the job in Dallas, Texas (Frito-lay headquarters). I believe that I was select for the job due to my commitment to the company throughout my five years of service. My ideal goal is to become a member of the HR department specializing in Industrial Relations.

I've been very fortunate to have great friends over the years in every city that i've lived in. Since the age of 7 my best friend has been Jody Ball. I've also been associated with the same crowd since high school as well. Currently two of my friends are playing professional hockey right now, Scott Walker is currently playing with the Nashville Predators and Greg Bullock is playing in Manchester with the Storm. My friend Rodney Murphy works for Sony Music Canada and is completing his masters at Ryerson University. Another friend of mine Wendel Adams has just been recruited by Air Canada, and Eric Adams is currently working in Asia. I made some friends playing basketball right here in Prince George, but the only one left in town is Tyler Neilson who is also attending UNBC with myself. Tyler was also nice enough to help me with this assignment since he is very knowledgeable with computers and there functions. I guess I should mention my girlfriend as well in case she ever sees this, her name is Becky Lisa Doucette and she is attending McMaster University in Hamilton working on completing her internship as an Orthopaedic Surgeon.