

Weekly Recaps




Well this is awkward. Of course, being that this is my own team, I would’ve liked to predict that I would come first overall, but I figured that this would come across as cocky/arrogant, which I am, having won the inaugural championships, squeaking into the playoffs after taking over a team that was being run to the ground, despite having some talent. Two years later and I have turned this team into a perennial contender, of course, having been upset last year in the playoffs by a Yahoo stat correction, I entered the off-season in turmoil and knew that in order to continue my championship ways, I had to start making some bold moves. Anyway, this is weird enough as it is writing about myself, so I’ll just start.



The biggest and newest addition to this team is Anze Kopitar. Obviously in a league where goaltending is hard to come by, giving up on a young newly established starter in Corey Crawford was a difficult decision, but it was looking like I might not be able to keep him anyway, so I had to move on. Kopitar has so far looked to be a great decision, lighting it up in the first couple games of the season, but even before this happened, the idea of him playing on the top line of a team that had newly established two top lines, well, that’s just a great thing. He gives this team another top young centre and sets up ubiquitous’ team for years to come.


The other elite centre I refer to is Steven Stamkos, a guy who continues to impress every year, especially when we remember that he’s still only 21 years old! This is a guy coming off back to back 90 point years and he’s riding shotgun with one of the oldest skill players in the league, Martin St. Louis. The question remains, is he ready to take that next big step and crack the big 1-0-0. Well, I’m certain that ubiquitous hopes so, as Stamkos remains the one of the big keeper league fish that UBI has snagged.


Speaking of big time fish, Tyler Seguin struggled through his first year on team ubiquitous and on his Boston Bruins as Claude Julien painfully developed him properly. Now in his second full season, and with Marc Savard still out of commission, more will be expected of Seguin, much to ubiquitous’ delight. The young gun has the pedigree to break out in a big way, and the thought of having three elite centreman under 25 should give other teams nightmares going forward, if Seguin does pan out the way he looks like he will.


Rounding out the centremen is Jeff Skinner, who fortunately brings right wing eligibility as well to the table. This guy is 19 years old and is coming off a Calder Trophy season where he scored 30 goals to go with 63 points! To put it in perspective, that’s 21 more points than the guy who got picked first overall in the same draft, and he wasn’t on a team that was just going to shrug their shoulders at his ice time and let him play. He had to earn his position. Obviously one would hope he could avoid the sophomore slump (and play some defense, geez minus four already this week) but this is another guy who provides elite youth on a difficult side of the wing to fill.


Oh look, another guy under 25 who is sorta good, Bobby Ryan! Back to back 30 goal seasons has this power forward looking like a prime candidate to break out. Of course, playing with two elite players in Getzlaf and Perry doesn’t hurt his production, but I think he’s about prime to break out of the shell of being the guy picked after Crosby. Could he break 40 this year? I wouldn’t bet against it.


[I just want to interject here and say that I haven’t fully been able to appreciate how awesome my team is, and you guys are screwed by letting me get so many good players every single year, my keepers rule.]


Ok carrying on, Dany Heatley slams in on the right wing on his new team, the Minnesota Wild. Now most people would assume that Heatley leaving San Jose and going to Minnesota would decrease his value. Now I would argue the opposite, that it actually increases his value because now he is THE GUY, as in, he can’t expect anyone else to pick up the offensive slack. He had a lot of talented players to play with in Atlanta, Ottawa and San Jose. In Minnesota, it’s Mikko Koivu and that’s it. (And even he is questionable as far as big time talent goes) So he can’t hide anymore, and that could be a great thing for his game. I don’t think being 30 years old means that you’re done as a player, and although I doubt he is capable of scoring 50 goals anymore, getting back up to 40 isn’t out of the question. He could surprise a lot of people, because when the work ethic is there, he’s one of the best in the game.


Coming in for another year as a non-keeper but nevertheless a returnee is Simon Gagne. A guy who is playing with fellow teammate on ubiquitous’ squad Kopitar, and Justin Williams, Gagne has had injury trouble the past couple seasons but playing on a deep LA squad presents a ton of opportunity for the veteran to get his career back on track. He’s too good to only be putting up 40 points on a year and hopefully he can figure things out soon, or he might be designated to mascot status.


Speaking of veterans who need to get back on track, Daniel Alfredsson joins team ubiquitous after a train wreck season the previous year which saw him injured and dropping to a career low 31 points. This is a guy who hadn’t had a below 70 point season since 1999, back when Luc Bourdon was still in diapers! (the owner, not the prospect) He could be a guy who bounces back huge, especially since he’s not going to be expected to play defense anymore as Cory Clouston is gone! He’s still lining up with an elite playmaker in Jason Spezza, so the ceiling could be high for the talented Swede who might be on route to his swan song in his career. He is 39 after all.


And whoa, segways ahoy, speaking of swan songs, Jaromir Jagr is back in the NHL, and during the pre-season he looked like the Jagr of old. Jagr’s career high in points, 149! Obviously he’s not going to get there, but considering he’s playing with the next big thing, Claude Giroux, I don’t see even 80 points being out of the question for Jagr, if he can remain healthy and doesn’t get burnt out. He’s 39 years old this season and hasn’t played in the NHL since 2008. Questions about conditioning could pop up, but he’s been healthy for most of his career and I’m sure he wouldn’t come back from Russia just to be happy playing well and not putting up points.


Finally, Drew Stafford and Ville Leino, Buffalo teammates, join the wings of ubiquitous’ squad and provide some solid depth in a group already full of talented wingers. Stafford is coming off a breakout season where he scored 30 goals and playing on a line with Derek Roy and Nathan Gerbe as well as seeing powerplay time, he’s got the ability to repeat his 30 goal output of a year ago. Ville Leino playing with Brad Boyes and Tyler Ennis could see a bump in production as well, as this deep Sabres team has a lot of talent to pass the puck around, and it could just be a matter of time before the inevitable Derek Roy injury. After last year, I don’t have a lot of faith in him staying healthy.



The greatest offense in the league is complimented by the greatest defense in the league. Keith Yandle leads the group after breaking out in a big way last season, scoring almost 60 points! Of course, Phoenix got a lot worse, so his plus/minus could struggle, but on the plus side of things, the opportunity for him to show off his offensive ability will rise playing in front of Mike Smith. It could be another big year for the talented Yandle, as he is INCREDIBLY underrated.


Tyler Myers also returns to an ubiquitous defense than remains largely the same this year. After last year’s sophomore slump, Myers seems poised to bounce back and regain his Calder Trophy winner form. (Oh look, that’s two Calder trophy winners I have on my team) Playing on the powerplay with Christian Ehrhoff should help his production and he should see big minutes on a very solid Buffalo squad. (Yeah, I’m excited about Buffalo)


Jakub Kindl is on the squad this year, mostly as a fill-in until I can find someone better. He has looked solid replacing Mike Commodore so far, but I am not particularly hopeful that he maintains his spot in the lineup on Detroit. A young guy with good draft pedigree, he’s probably a year away from really making an impact, but he’ll be on everyone’s radar soon enough.


Same goes for Cody Franson, who inexplicitly was traded for and then can’t even make a not so good Leaf team. I don’t know if it was a result of complacency or if he actually was the worst guy out there, but he’s a good young player who looked primed for a breakout on a new team. Unfortunately, it looks as though he may also join Andrew Brunette on the waiver wire for someone who is actually playing. Unlike CCF, I know my limit and when it is time to let some fish go for when they are more in season…I haven’t quite reached that point yet, but it’s getting close.


Jack Johnson is back for another year, picked up by ubiquitous after he sadly was unable to keep him. The two will enjoy his increased offensive output along with his strange method of always managing to be on the ice when opponents score against him. Ah well, you take the good with the bad, but I would personally make it a goal if I was JJ to try to avoid being the team’s minus leader every year.


Finally, Erik Johnson also rejoins team ubiquitous. With Colorado giving up two rather large pieces in order to acquire the big defenseman, it seems logically that they have big plans and high hopes for his future. As such, even with Colorado being as bad as they are, Johnson will get plenty of powerplay time and should see an increase in totals, even if his plus/minus suffers. But that’s no matter, it seems to be the Johnson way. Hopefully for ubiquitous, Erik Johnson can finally show the world why he was drafted number one overall by the St. Louis Blues and make them regret giving up on him after two and a half years. He’s still very young.



The big fish on this team is star goaltender Pekka Rinne. Nashville’s workhorse, Rinne was a Vezina finalist and probably would’ve won if the media wasn’t stuck up Timmy T’s ummm…well you know. Rinne is underrated in a big way, probably because he plays in Nashville, but he had a big time season and will play the majority of Nashville’s games. With a great defensive team in front of him, he should repeat the numbers he put up last year, and hopefully garner some more attention to what could be the next great goaltender.


Tuukka Rask is back for a third season with team ubiquitous. He again is trapped behind aging veteran Tim Thomas, who after reclaiming the starting position from Tuukka went on to win his second Vezina trophy. To start the season, Claude Julien named Rask 1A starter, which means, well, I don’t know what it means. I’m hoping that it has something to do with him getting more starts and Tim Thomas retiring. Anyway, Rask is destined to be one of the next young goalie superstars, and it still baffles my mind that someone thought it was a good idea to trade him to Boston for Andrew Raycroft.


Finally Craig Anderson comes onto ubiquitous’ squad in order to anchor his goaltending stats to a reasonable level. After all, the now Ottawa starter is incapable of playing well unless he has Ice Girls to marvel over and over two games this season he is doing a good job proving that his first starting gig was nothing more than a fluke. Look for him to join Cody Franson on the waiver wire sooner rather than later.

Closing Thoughts:

Even if I don’t win this year, I’m still going to hang around thanks to my core, which is amazing. Simply put, I’m the best and if it wasn’t for a certain team having the top three players in fantasy, I would have zero qualms about ranking myself number one overall in the league. I will finish second in points though, and unfortunately because of the division setup, I’ll probably get upset in the first round again, despite having a great team, because well, fantasy is a fickle beast.




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