

Weekly Recaps




CCF was one of the two big benefactors from SelKesler’s decision to blow up his team, allowing him to pick up some huge cogs in his team in exchange for some scrap pieces. As such, he remains a perennial contender, despite several overpayments early in the first year of this league that could’ve set his team back years. But instead, the fantasy gods repay stupidity by making CCF another top contender at a league title.


CCF could have had the luxury of having the Sedin twins on his squad, but Ryan Getzlaf isn’t a bad consolation prize. The big centreman had a nice rebound season, putting up 7 more points than the year prior, but he still has a way to go if he’s going to match his career high of 91 points. Playing on one of the top lines in the league with reigning Hart Trophy winner Corey Perry and top young gun Bobby Ryan shouldn’t hurt his cause, as down the stretch they were one of the league’s most productive lines. He’s obviously the key cog in CCF’s forward group moving forward.

Right behind Getzlaf in terms of importance is Captain Serious, Jonathan Toews. A year removed from a Stanley Cup title, Toews took a step towards becoming one of the next great two way players in the game. As I’ve mentioned throughout these previews though, having a good two way game impacts very little fantasy wise, but it doesn’t hurt the ol’ plus/minus. Toews is getting closer and closer to becoming a point per game player though, and combine that with the surrounding cast he has around him and you’ve got a guy who could be primed for a breakout season.


After that is Danny Briere, a guy who once broke 90 points in Buffalo! Of course, he’s never going to do that again, yet for whatever reason, people continue to consider this guy to be a top fantasy player. I suppose him being a centre, right wing eligible player doesn’t hurt his cause, but he’s coming off two seasons now after his injury where he failed to crack 70 points When a guy like this is a keeper for you, maybe your forward corps has more issues than you would like to think about. Having said that, Philadelphia has started the season hot, and Briere has had nothing to do with it, so keep that in mind moving forward. (That nothing has changed, I mean!)


Speaking of the Flyers, Jakub Voracek comes over as the guy who has to replace Jeff Carter. Acquired in a trade with the Blue Jackets, Voracek has some solid draft pedigree but has yet to really live up to it. Philadelphia should afford him every opportunity to take the next step in his game and unlike his situation in Columbus, there is some veteran leadership in Philly that could definitely help guide him. At the very least, he’ll play with some talented young players, something the Blue Jackets were devoid of.


Magnus Paajarvi comes back after a fairly mediocre first year. On a team filled with rookies who actually produced admirable, Paajarvi’s production doesn’t exactly stand out. The acquisition of Paajarvi doesn’t really make much sense, considering that Joe Pavelski went the other way. Having said that, Paajarvi is a talented guy playing with other talented guys, so although they are all young, they could still produce at a decent tilt.


After being traded from Phoenix to Colorado, Peter Mueller looked to have new life. He produced at a rapid pace, scoring over a point per game in Denver before suffering a serious injury. He missed the entire next season and now, on a whim, CCF has acquired him with hopes that his production in Denver was actually a sign of things to come and not just a case of a guy exploding on a new team for no apparent reason. With questions of health and fitting in both an issue, it remains to be seen what Mueller can do. (Aside from bringing CCF Centre, LW eligibility).


Steve Ott is on for another year, a feisty PIM producer, he has shown the ability to score 20 goals while throwing down fists, and as always those players can prove to be valuable, especially when trying to steal a category or two. Having said that, Dallas still has some serious consistency issues and Ott is a prime candidate to experience a “Shanaban” or two. It’s a shame shorthanded points don’t count for anything in this league.


Patrik Elias hits 35 years of age this year, and is back for another season with the Devils. Last year’s campaign was abysmal for New Jersey and Elias was no exception, putting up a low total by his standards, only managing 62 points while only missing one game. It was encouraging to see his health stay up to par, but he’ll need to produce more if the Devils are to avoid another top five draft pick. It is a new experience for him to not be the most talented player on his Devil’s lineup.


Alex Tanguay returned to Calgary last season where he showed new life being paired up with Jarome Iginla. Tanguay had struggled in Montreal and Tampa Bay before returning to the Flames for the second time in his career. After putting up almost 70 points, Tanguay hopes that the Flames getting substantially worse doesn’t affect his chemistry with Iggy, as the two of them complement each other very well. Having said that, don’t expect his plus minus to be even this year.

Teddy Purcell was a hero in the playoffs this year, but will he follow the leads of guys like Fernando Pisani and flake out in the regular season after a good playoffs? It’s quite possible, but a guy who put up 51 points in his first real season who gets to play alongside some seriously talented guys? I think it’s very possible that his playoff performance will prove to be not a fluke. I suppose it depends primarily on whether or not Guy Boucher’s magic wears off this season or if the Lightning are for real.


Finally we have Blake Wheeler, a huge Right Winger who was picked up in exchange for Brett Connolly. Whether or not that move comes back to bite CCF is really irrelevant but Wheeler’s Jets proved tonight that they aren’t going to be a very good team at all and it is doubtful that Wheeler has a very good season to begin with. Granted this guy has been touted as a breakout star for several years after his rookie campaign of 45 points, but since then, nothing really special has translated from his game. I suggest you watch for that trend to continue, as playing with third liners doesn’t do a lot for one’s confidence or evolution as a player.


Mike Green leads this defensive corps, and it seems like a long time ago that he was putting up 70+ points on the blueline. After an ugly, injury filled affair, Green looked like he had taken a giant step backwards, putting up a meager 24 points on the year and subsequently getting jettisoned for practically nothing to CCF’s squad. If Green can get his game back and return to being one of the premier defenseman in the league, CCF got a hell of a steal. If he continues to struggle with staying healthy and putting points on the board, CCF might have his patience tested.


After that, we’ll avoid making this post Streit Streit jokes and try to be serious. Mark Streit missed all of last year with an injury and upon his return to the Islanders, he was named captain of the team. He’s come close to back to back 50 point seasons before his injury, so a couple questions will linger about him. First, will he be as effective coming back from injury, and more importantly, can he stay healthy this year? But Streit and Green are both high risk high reward type players that could provide CCF with a very nice one-two punch on the blueline.

Stephane Robidas joins CCF’s ragtag group, coming off the “most odd All-Star game inclusion” season where he put up 30 points, starting out with a bang and puttering out in the most embarrassing of ways, as Dallas bumbled their way out of a playoff spot. If Dallas is to rise above this ownership mess and the loss of their best player Brad Richards, Robidas is going to be a guy they lean on heavily, and CCF probably hopes that Robidas can bump up the point production a bit.

Victor Hedman has two successful NHL campaigns under his belt and the 21 year old (in December) is going to be hoping for a third. I’m sure CCF is hoping that his third season can produce some offense out of him as well, as 20 and 26 points for the towering Swede is just not going to cut it for a team that has serious championship goals. Now whether he can manage that will depend a lot on who he ends up playing with and if he can get some much needed powerplay time.

John-Michael Liles trades in his burgundy and blue jersey for a blue and white jersey, being acquired by the Maple Leafs. Since the Leaf blueline has a low degree of talented offensive minded defensemen, Liles will get every opportunity to forgo playing defense and try to shoot the puck in the net. As such, we could see the former Av put up career highs in points. Then again, being that the Leafs are involved, we could end up seeing yet another player struggle on route to a career in broadcasting. The Leafs are a tough team to read, but Liles should be a nice addition.


Finally, the team is rounded out by Dan Hamhuis. A huge beast on the ice for the Canucks, unfortunately the point production doesn’t always signify just how important Hammy is to the Canuck blueline. He’s more of a shutdown type defenseman, so as such, he won’t be leaned on by CCF for point production (at least one would hope). He can produce ample plus/minus totals and chip in on SOGs and the occasional point. Playing on the first pairing should help his case.




Here’s where CCF23’s ranking starts to make sense (because as of yet, it hasn’t). The goalies! He has the last two Vezina trophy winners on his team, Ryan Miller and Tim Thomas. Tim Thomas also won this little trophy called the Conn Smythe to go along with his Stanley Cup ring. The concern about Thomas is of course two fold, for one, he doesn’t play more than 50-55 games and two, he’s got a hot-shot back up behind him in Tuukka Rask who he almost lost his starting job to two years ago. Now of course, coming off a huge season last year, probably about as good of season as you can have, it seems like ol’ Thomas the Tank will have a bit of a longer leash, but you can tell that there is a movement to let Rask play a lot more and set the B’s up for the future. On the bright side, at least more people now understand why I hate this guy so much. (Thomas, not CCF just so we are clear. ;))


Ryan Miller has a superb team in front of him, as the Buffalo Sabres finally have an owner willing to spend money. As a result, another Vezina trophy could be a consideration if he plays like he should in the regular season. Of course, if he plays like he does in the playoffs, it could be a very ugly year for CCF.  With a young unproven goaltender behind him, it’s safe to say that this is Miller’s team and he will be leaned on heavily. If the Sabres were smart, they’d rest him a bit before the playoffs and maybe decrease their workload, but they haven’t had a backup they can trust in years.


Finally Jacob Markstrom, a guy CCF held onto stubbornly all of last season despite his playing in the AHL the entire last year. Add onto the fact that he plays on the not so good Florida Panthers, and it makes you wonder why he bothered handcuffing himself onto an anchor all season long. I’m quite certain that he would’ve been available in the last week of the season and it might’ve been the difference in where he placed for the year. Anyway, this year he’s the back up for Jose Theodore, so you can imagine that Theodore is only keeping the spot warm until they turn it over to Markstrom, as this is a young team who is most certainly not looking to contend this year.

Closing Thoughts:

CCF23’s goaltending is the only reason I did not rank him outside of the playoffs, but honestly, I’m starting to wonder if maybe I made a mistake. His forward group has a lot of questions, but if his defensemen can bounce back and get back to the form they are capable of, my prediction won’t look so asinine come March. Obviously if his team can manage to play to its potential, no one will be looking back at this going, huh? He came in 10th! For his sake anyway, I hope so.



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