Stevie Anatole Research Assistant, Tl'azt'en Nation Post-Secondary Student
Location: CURA Office, UNBC, Prince George, BC
my name is Stevie Anatole. As a Tlazten Nation Post-Secondary
student I was recently hired to work for the CURA Project for the summer
as a research assistant. I am looking forward to this and hope to learn
a lot along the way. I am the oldest of three children
(I have 2 younger brothers). In 1996 our family moved to Binche, about
30km north of Fort St. James where I lived until I graduated from FSJSS
in 2003. In the 01/02 school year I moved out on my own to attend the
Career Technical Center at the College of New Caledonia and completed
the Hospitality Administration course. When I completed that I moved back
to Binche with my family and finished my last semester of grade 12 at
FSJSS. For the past 2 years I have been living in Prince George and have
just finished my second year of UT courses at CNC to prepare myself for
the Social Worker program I am going to be taking. Read Stevie's Final Report: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation