Dr. Erin Sherry ![]() Senior Resource Officer-Provincial Initiatives, First Nations Initiatives Division Associate Partner, Improved Partnerships StreamPhone: 250.356.7278 Email: Erin.Sherry@gov.bc.ca Location:
Integrated Land Management Bureau, Room 206, 2nd Floor, 780 Blanshard
Street, Victoria, BC V8W 2H1
undertaking an undergraduate degree in honours biology from Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario between 1991 and 1995, I travelled to England where I
commenced a Master's degree in Conservation Biology at the Durrell Institute
for Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent, Canterbury. My thesis
focused on development of a non-invasive DNA-based mark-recapture tool to
estimate the size, dynamics, and health of grizzly bear populations in the
eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies, including Banff National Park and
In 1997 I started a doctoral program
at UNBC in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies. This degree took
me on a personal and intellectual learning journey. For four years, I
worked with the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (VGFN) in the north Yukon.
In partnership with the community of Old Crow, I completed a TEK and land
use project that resulted in the publication of a book called The
Land Still Speaks. During this time, I benefited greatly from the
generosity, hospitality, wisdom, and teachings of community Elders and
traditional land users. In light of their land claim and self-government
agreement, VGFN initiated numerous co-management arrangements involving
fish, wildlife, water, parks, heritage sites, and ecological reserves.
Questions about the viability and effectiveness of these regimes led to
my dissertation research concentrated on exploring the interactions and
co-operative work of Vuntut Gwitchin, territorial, and federal government
resource managers. This project developed and tested a method for First
Nation people and government managers to explore the characteristics of
effective co-management and to identify its essential elements for the
north Yukon. During my doctoral studies, I was also fortunate to participate
in research with Tl'azt'en Nation and the John Prince Research Forest
that involved the development and testing of scenario planning tools to
enhance community participation and the integration of traditional knowledge
into forest planning. I commenced a two year post-doctoral
fellowship in the Ecosystem Science and Management Program at UNBC in
2001 working with three First Nation communities, including Tl'azt'en
Nation, T'exelc or Williams Lake Band, and Skw'lax or Little Shuswap Band,
and 30 community and technical reviewers from throughout British Columbia.
The project focused on developing an information gathering and management
framework, the
Aboriginal Forest Planning Process (AFPP), for use by First Nation
communities that would identify local forest-related knowledge and values,
translate them into criteria and indicators of forest management, and
incorporate them into analytical forest planning tools. The AFPP attempts
to address issues of transparency, confidentiality, scale, empowerment,
and First Nation control and ownership of TEK. In September 2003, I became Manager
of the Northern Aboriginal Research and Development Alliance (NARDA),
an initiative of the Northern Land Use Institute (NLUI). Two inaugural
projects were: 1) Including
Aboriginal Values in Resource Management Through Innovative Communication
- a partnership with the Halfway River First Nation (HRFN) concerning
identification, communication, and inclusion of traditional knowledge
in resource planning, and the incorporation of an Aboriginal worldview
into mapping and GIS and 2) Criteria and Indicators of Joint Forest Management
- a joint project with the John Prince Research Forest and Tl'azt'en Nation
to develop an adaptable framework of criteria and indicators for directing
successful forest management partnerships between First Nations and other
stakeholders. As a major component of my NARDA responsibilities, I served
as the Senior CURA Research Co-ordinator and as a leader on the Improved
Partnerships stream along with my colleagues Sue Grainger and Beverly
Leon. Currently, I work as a Regional Project
Officer for the Integrated Land Management
Bureau, BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. In this position I support
the initiatives of the Northern Interior Region Inter-Agency Management
Committee (IAMC), which is the regional forum for communication and collaboration
on issues and initiatives pertaining to sustainable use of Crown land
and resources, coordination of First Nations initiatives, and resource
information management and decision support. I continue my participation
in CURA as an Associate Partner on the IP stream. I am pleased to be part of a long-term,
close collaboration aimed at linking academic research with community
goals. The CURA is deepening knowledge sharing, equity, trust, and constructive
engagement between Tl'azt'en Nation and UNBC, and is fostering social
and institutional development. I am honoured to work with the CURA team,
a group of visionary and dedicated people. I hope that we maintain our
commitment to learning from each other, and that the results of this project
will positively influence our communities and workplaces.