Beverly Leon CURA Research Coordinator, Tl'azt'en Nation CURA Stream Leader- Traditional Ecological KnowledgePhone: 250.996.0028 Email: Location: JPRF Office, Fort St. James, BC
Because of my upbringing and being immersed
in my language and culture, I am forever indebted to my ancestors for
the hard work and life they endured to ensure our Dakelh ways of knowing
survived. My fondest memories are of the ‘smoke
house’ and cutting salmon on the shores of Stuart Lake. While helping
with and learning those traditional subsistence activities, the importance
of education was always stressed. With a strong sense of self, I went
on to achieve my Grade 12 and did some years of college. While I hope
to one day continue my pursuit of post secondary education, my biggest
achievement has been with the jobs I’ve held that helped me to contribute
back to my community in a positive way. The CURA project and outcomes attest to the
hard work that needs to continue. With the strength of our Past, we can
build a foundation for the Present that will ensure our Future. Netso whut'enne buba'ust'en (I am working for
the people that walked before us).