Orthic Melanic Brunisolic Soils

Profile description

Ah (0 to 9 cm) Black (10YR 2/1 m); loam; strong coarse, medium granular, friable; very clear, smooth boundary; 8 to 10 cm thick 

Bm1 (9 to 22 cm) Very dark brown (10YR 2/2 coatings, 3.5/3 matrix); loam with a few black worm casts; moderate, medium and fine subangular blocky; friable; clear, smoooth boundary; 10 to 13 cm thick 

Bm2 (22 to 34 cm)Dark brown (10YR3/3 coatings, 4/3 crushed); loam; weak coarse and fine subangular blocky; friable; abrupt wavy boundary 

Ck (34 to 41 cm) Dark yellowish brown (10YR 5/4 crushed); loam containing about 30% stone ghosts (10YR 7/4); weak, medium and fine subangular blocky; friable; weakly calcareous; abrupt smooth boundary; 3 to 8 cm thick 

Orthic Melanic Brunisols -Chemical Properties 
Horizons  pH  OM(%)  CEC  Ca2+  Mg2+  Na+ K+ 
(cmolc kg-1
Ah 6.5 15 37
Bm1 6.7 2.8 17.8
Bm2 7.1 1.6 14.6 
Ck - 2.8

Orthic Melanic Brunisols -Physical Properties 
Horizons  Sand  Silt  Clay  BD 
Ah 31 46 24
Bm1 29 39 42
Bm2 - - -
Ck 51 34 15


Clayton, J.S., W.A. Ehlrich, D.B. Cann, J. H. Day and I.B. Marshall. 1977. Soils of Canada Vol 1. Soil report. Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa

Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil survey. 1987. The Canadian System of Soil Classification. 2nd ed. Agric. Can. Publ. 1646. 164 pp. 

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