Orthic Black Chernozemic Soil
Ah (0 to 30 cm) Black (10YR 2.5/1 m) silt loam; weak to moderate, medium
subangular blocky breaking to moderate to strong, fine granular; friable;
abundant, fine random roots; abrupt, wavy boundary; 23 to 34 cm thick
Bt1 (30 to 87 cm) Brown (10YR 4/3 m) loam; moderate, medium to coarse
prismatic; firm; plentiful, fine vertical roots; many, moderately thick,
dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) clay films in many voids and ped surfaces;
gradual, wavy boundary; 43 to 61 cm thick
Bt2 (87 to 113 cm) Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2 m) loam; moderate, coarse
prismatic; very firm; few, very fine vertical roots; many, moderately thin,
dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) clay films in many voids and verical ped
surfaces; abrupt wavy boun dary; 22 to 33 cm thick |