Cumulic Regosolic Soils

These are the Regosolic soils found in most alluvial plains. They are found under various climatic conditions ranging from Arctic climate in the Mackenzie Delta, subarctic in the Mackenzie and Yukon valleys to Cryoboreal and Boreal humid to semiar id regimes in the Peace and Saskatchewan river valleys. 

The parent materials are typical plain alluvial deposits that maybe calcareous or noncalcareous. 

Selected properties:

They have 

1. Ah horizon less than 10 cm thick. 

2. B horizon less than 5 cm thick. 

3. layers from the surface or below thin Ah that vary in color value by 1 or more units, or OM contents that varies irregularly with depth. 

4. no evidence of gleying within 50 cm of the mineral surface 

Common horizon sequence: C, Ahb,C 


Soil Profile Description and Chemical and Physical Properties