Brown Solonetz - profile description 

Profile description

Ap (0 to ? cm) Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2 d); loam to clay loam; subangular blocky breaking into medium granular; soft; slightly acid 

Ae (? to 20 cm) Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2 d) loam to clay loam; compound weak, coarse, platy and medium granular; soft; slightly acid 

Bnt1 (20 to 33 cm) Very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2 d); clay; compound columnar and blocky; hard; neutral 

Bnt2 (33 to 43 cm) Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2 d); clay; compound columnar and blocky; hard; mildly alkaline 

Bntk (43 to 66 cm) Dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2 d); clay loam; amorphous to compound weak, columnar and weak, medium, subangular blocky; hard; weakly calcareous; moderately alkaline 

Ck (66 to 102 cm) Brown (10YR 5/3 d); clay loam; amorphous; hard; weakly calcareous; moderately alkaline 

Brown Solonetz -Chemical Properties 
Horizons  pH  C(%)  CEC Ca2+  Mg2+  K+ Na+ 
(cmolc kg-1
Ap 6.4 2.29 23.7  10.5 6.0 2.2 0.0 
Ae(mod) 6.3 1.63 26.2  9.2 6.8 1.3 0.2 
Bnt1 6.6 1.10 45.7 10.8  15.3 1.2 0.7 
Bnt2 7.4 - - - -

Orthic Melanic Brunisols -Physical Properties 
Horizons  Sand  Silt  Clay  BD 
Ap 37 35 28
Ae 36 37 27
Bnt1 23 28 49
Bnt2 27 30 43
Bntk 23 25 42


Clayton, J.S., W.A. Ehlrich, D.B. Cann, J. H. Day and I.B. Marshall. 1977. Soils of Canada Vol 1. Soil report. Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa

Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil survey. 1987. The Canadian System of Soil Classification. 2nd ed. Agric. Can. Publ. 1646. 164 pp. 

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