Note for my graduate students regarding publications

  • Graduate students should learn how to do research -- it is not your business to write a paper where my name is shown to be an author. Publish garbage papers (conference, book, journal) only pollute your names and my name.

  • You paper is yours, don't put my name there if I do not have any contribution. Don't put my name in any papers you write no matter where you want to send -- unless I do have contributions AND I agree to put my name there AND I respect the conference/journal the paper is going to be sent. Otherwise, i will let you leave my group.

  • As long as you do good research, I do not think publication is a requirment for graduatation -- but ``Clean Record" of garbage publications is required.

  • Conference ranking sites: (some very "bad" named conferences are pointed :-) ):
    Or use Google Search if you think above rankings are not fair enough (I am going to buy Google :-), you know )

  • A reasonable journal ranking of good journals can be found here:
    or use Google Search: Journal Ranking CS
  • If you want me to support you for the costs (which I always do for my graduate students), don't publish in XXX conferences. --I understand you may have accidently published in one or two such conferences, but please don't make the same mistake twice.

  • If you want me to write you a recommendation letter , don't publish in ... when you are under my supervision or don't let me know you have done so. :-)

    Maintained by Liang Chen.

    Last modified: Sept. 12, 2008.