Supplementary Files for Papers

  1. L. Chen, Pairwise Macropixel Comparison Can Work at Least as Well as Advanced Holistic Algorithms for Face Recognition , In F. Labrosse, R. Zwiggelaar, Y. Liu, and B. Tiddeman, editors, Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, pages 5.1-5.11. BMVA Press, September 2010. doi:10.5244/C.24.5.
    Program Codes (Matlab) 
  2. L. Chen, Electoral College and Direct Popular Vote for Multi-Candidate Election , In F. Labrosse, R. Zwiggelaar, Y. Liu, and B. Tiddeman, editors, Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, pages 100.1-100.11. BMVA Press, September 2010. doi:10.5244/C.24.100.
    Program Codes (Matlab) 
  3. L. Chen, Dual Linear Regression Based Classification for Face Cluster Recognition, CVPR 2014, pp.2673-2680.  Program Codes (Matlab); Data: YouTubeCelebrities_Categories; YouTubeCelebrities10x10.mat; YouTubeCelebrities20x20.mat
  4. L. Chen and N. Hassanpour, Survey: How Good are the Current Advances in Image Set Based Face Identification? -- Experiments on three popular benchmarks with a naïve approach, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, to be published, DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2017.03.004
    Supplementary Material 

Maintained by Liang Chen.

Last modified: June 18, 2014.