in four dimensions
It has been estimated that in the
human genome at most 1.5 percent of the DNA codes for proteins. A little codes for tRNAs and other nontranslated RNAs, but most of
it is never or hardly ever transcribed, let alone translated. So what role does
it play?
... a lot
of DNA has no obvious function, and it is commonly regarded as
"junk". However, some nontranscribed
sequences certainly do have a function --- they are involved in the regulation
of gene activity. Not every gene is active in every cell all the time. This is
why cells can be different, even though most of them have the same set of
genes. Cells are able to respond to respond to internal and external
conditions, turning genes on and off when and if required, and nontranscribed DNA is an important part of the regulatory
system that determines which coding sequences are being transcribed. (p. 52)
These two characteristics of DNA ---
the vast number of variations possible because of its modular organizations,
and the indifference of the replication process to the "content" of
the transcribed sequence --- mean that potentially it can provide a lot of raw
materials for natural selection.
But these same characteristics have a downside: they also mean that a
lot of nonsensical variations can be generated and transmitted. One of the
questions that immediately arise, therefore, is how organisms cope with
potentially vast number of frequently useless or detrimental variations. If the
quality of information can be tested only through its functional effect in the
next generation, it seems to be a terribly wasteful system. In fact, as we
shall see later, some of the most ingenious mechanisms in living organisms are
direct or indirect solutions to the problem of DNA's potential to vary. In
addition, the way in which DNA is actually "interpreted" in the
context of a developing organism makes the problem far less formidable than it
seems at first glance. (P. 56)
Children who are
born second, third, or later in the family are more adventurous than first born
or only children are. (p. 60)
Comment: I can understand it
intuitively. Think if we can derive it mathematically.
Geneticists started using genetic
engineering techniques to "knock out" (disable) a particular gene and
follow the consequences of this knock out on development. Much to their
surprise, the scientist found out that knocking out genes that were known to
participate in important development pathways often make no difference
whatsoever --- the final phenotype remained the same. ... Knockout experiment
shows that there is a lot of structural and functional redundancy in the
genome... The evolved network of interactions that underlies the development
and maintenance of every character is able to accommodate or compensate for many
genetic variations. This is why so many of the potentially deleterious effects
of the huge number of variations in the information in DNA are masked and
neutralized. (p. 65)
Comment: The redundancy of genes can
be used to support the regulation, such as antitrust and anti monopoly, which may make
business less efficient but more stable.
Most evolutionists would agree that
in the short term, asexual reproduction, which preserves the parent's
well-adapted combination of genes, is best. The snag is that parental genomes
cannot be preserved for ever. Even totally asexual lineages change, because
mutations are inevitable. Some harm their carriers, and will be weeded out by
natural selection, but many may remain and accumulate. Consequently, in the
long run, asexual lineages may deteriorate and go extinct. In contrast, if
organisms reproduce sexually, the shuffling and recombination of parental genes
means that some offspring may be lucky and get dealt a set of genes with fewer
damaging mutations than either of their parents. Sexual reproduction can
therefore preserve lineages by preventing the accumulation of deleterious
mutations. Another advantage is that competition for resource is intense, then at least some sexually reproduced offspring may have
genotypes that make them good competitors. In the medium to long term, in
changing environments, by bringing together beneficial mutations arising in
different individuals, sex will lead to faster evolution than would be possible
in asexual lineages. (P. 82)
However at least
some of them are thought to be adaptations that determine how much genetic variability
there is in the next generation. Take the species that have both sexual and asexual
generations: generally, they reproduce asexually when conditions are constant
and good. but sexually when things change or life
becomes stressful. Aphids, for example, commonly reproduce asexually throughout
the summer, but before they overwinter, they have a sexual generation.
Similarly, Daphnia, the water flea, reproduce asexually when environmental
conditions are good, but when life gets tough it switches to sexual
reproduction and produces resistant eggs that can survive poor conditions. This
makes evolutionary sense. If an individual is doing well and its environment is
not changing, asexual offspring, who have the same set of genes, will probably
do very well too. So why change? If it ain't broke,
don't fixed it! ...But if conditions change, so that
offspring are likely to experience a different environment,
... investing in sexual reproduction is a better bet. Although costly
males have to be produced, at least a few of the varied sexual offspring may
survive new conditions. ...
There is some evidence that another
aspect of sexual reproduction, the amount of crossing-over between chromosomes,
has also evolved to fit the conditions of life. It tends to be lower for
species living in uniform, stable environment, and higher for those living
where conditions are less predictable. The suggested explanation is that
natural selection has led to low recombination rates in constant conditions,
because offspring do best if they have much the same genotype as their parents.
But when lineages have repeated encountered varied or varying conditions, high
recombination rates have been selected, because
variety among the offspring has increased the chances that some will survive.
We know from laboratory experiments that the average rate of recombination
differs between populations of the same species, and that selection can change
recombination rates. We even know some of the genes and alleles that affect
recombination. So, although the evidence that average recombination rates are
related to ecological conditions and the lifestyle of the species is not
extensive, it would be surprising if the rate of recombination had not been
adjusted by natural selection. (p. 85)
Long-term Darwinian evolution
through the genetic system depends on these DNA changes. But there is a paradox
here, because DNA is changeable, its effectiveness as the carrier of hereditary
information is reduced. If only very imperfect copies of the information that
has enabled survival and reproduction are transmitted, evolution by natural
selection will be very slow, if not impossible. Information needs to be
durable, as well as somewhat changeable. So how can DNA, which is not an
intrinsically stable molecule, function so effectively as a carrier and
transmitter of information?
The answer is that DNA can do its
job because organisms have a whole battery of mechanisms that protect and
repair it, ensuring that existing nucleotide sequences are well maintained and
are copied accurately. Cells have proteins that scavenge for and degrade
molecules that would damage DNA; if damage does occur, there is another set of
proteins that can repair it, sometimes using a recombination process that
substitutes a similar undamaged sequence from elsewhere. When DNA is
replicated, there are systems that check that each nucleotide added to the
growing daughter strand is the correct (complementary) one, and remove it if it
is not. After the new daughter strand is synthesized, it is proof read, and if
mismatched nucleotides are found, they are corrected. Thanks to these and other
proofreading and correction systems, the error rate during the replication of
human DNA is only about one in every ten thousand million nucleotides. Without
them, it has been estimated it would be nearer one in a hundred.
This amazing system for maintaining
the integrity of DNA has presumably evolved through natural selection for
DNA-caretaker genes. Lineage with poor DNA maintenance and sloppy replication
failed to survive, because they kept changing, producing all sorts of
mutations, most of which were detrimental. Such lineages had a lot of
variation, ut less heridity;
good sets of genes were not transmitted accurately. Lineages with better
mechanisms for looking after their DNA continued, because they transmitted
accurate copies of the genes that had allowed them to survive and reproduce. In
this way, natural selection has ensured that there is a good genetic
engineering kit for DNA maintenance, and that mutation rates are generally low.
(p. 87)
In the future, attention undoubtedly
will be centered on the genome, with greater appreciation of its significance
as a highly sensitive organ of the cell that monitors genomic activities and
corrects common errors, senses unusual and unexpected events, and responds to
them, often by restructuring the genome. (McClintock, 1984, p. 800)
We now know that stress conditions
can affect the operation of enzyme systems that are responsible for maintaining
and repairing DNA, and parts of these systems sometimes seem to be coupled with
regulatory elements that control how, how much and when DNA is altered. (p. 89)
Comment: We may explain this as when
resources are reduced or uncertainty increases, fixed cost, which means the
cost to maintain the operation of enzyme systems, decreases.
With local mutation, there is a
measure of randomness in what is produced, but this randomness is targeted or
channeled, because the changes occur at specific genomic sites and sometimes in
particular conditions. (p. 101)
Even if we didn't have all the new
experimental evidence showing that mutation is sometimes localized and under
environmental or developmental control, the evolutionary arguments for
expecting it are very powerful. It would be very strange indeed to believe that
everything in the living world is the product of evolution except one thing ---
the process of generating new variation! No one doubts that how, where and when
organisms use sex, which reshuffles existing genetic variation, has been molded
by natural selection, so surely similar selection pressures should also
influence how, when and where variation is generated by mutation. In fact it is
not difficult to imagine how a mutation generating system that makes informed
guesses about what will be useful would be favored by natural selection. In our
judgment, the idea that there has been selection for the ability to make an
educated guess is plausible, predictable and validated by experiments. As the
American geneticist Lynn Caporale has said, "chance favors the prepared genome." (p. 101)
The function of prion
shows that protein can act as a genetic material as well. It can replicate
proteins modeling after itself. See p. 123 -126.
Epigenetic marks affect not only
gene activity, they also affect the probability that
the region will undergo genetic change. Mutation, recombination, and the
movement of jumping genes are all influenced by the state of chromatin, so the
likelihood of a genetic change in two identical pieces of DNA is not the same
if they have different chromatin marks. In general, DNA is more likely to
change in regions where the chromatin is less condensed and genes are active
than it is in more compact regions. That's because in active regions DNA is
more accessible to chemical mutagens and to the enzymes involved in repair and
recombination. It's not unlike what happens with your car, which is more
exposed to accidental damage and change when you drive it around than it is
when kept parked in the garage. There are exceptions of course. Just as dead
batteries may be more common in cars that are permanently garaged, so some
types of DNA change are more common in inactive genes. For example, the base
cytosine (C) mutates to thymine (T) more frequently when it is methylated than when it is not, and methylated
DNA is usually associated with compact chromatin and inactive genes.
Nevertheless, the overall picture is that DNA in the regions where genes are
active is more likely to change than that in active domains.
We now have to ask whether the
influence that chromatin structure has on the likelihood of genetic changes is
of any significance in development and evolution. ...There are some very
telling indications that it may be very important. For example, there is an
increasing amount of data suggesting that there is an
interplay between genetics and epigenetics in
the development of cancer. The first sign of cellular abnormality in some
tumors is an epimutation --- a change of heritable
chromatin marks, such as an increase or decrease in the density of DNA methylation. Commonly, genetic changes seem to follow
epigenetic ones. (p. 248)
Contrary to current dogma, the
variation on which natural selection acts is not always random in origin or
blind to function: new heritable variation can arise in response to the
conditions of life. Variation is often targeted, in the sense that it
preferentially affects functions or activities that can make organisms better
adapted to the environment in which they live. Variation is also constructed,
in the sense that, whatever their origin, which variants are inherited and what
final form they assume depend on various "filtering" and "editing"
processes that occur before and during transmission. (p. 319)
Obviously, since most mutations are
likely to make things worse rather than better, it would be much more efficient
if the extra mutations induced by stressful conditions were restricted to those
genes that, if changed, could rescue the cell. And we know that there are
situations where cells do produce mutations not only at the right time but also
at the right place. ... the bacterium E. coli can
sometimes make very appropriate mutational guesses. ... when
starved of a particular amino acid, the bacteria increased the mutational rate
in the very gene that might, if mutated, enable the cell to make the amino acid
missing from its food. (p. 322)
It is even easier to imagine how
another of our categories of interpretive mutations evolved by natural
selection. This is the one that is often found in pathogenic microorganisms,
where there is a consistent high rate of genetic change in certain restricted
regions of genome. In these "hot spots", mutation is going on all the
time at a rate hundreds of times faster than elsewhere. This is not the
disaster it would be at other sites in the genome, because genes in hot spots
code for products that need to change frequently. Think, for example,
pathogenic organism that is constantly at war with its host's immune system.
The immune system recognizes the pathogen by its protein coat. The pathogen can
evade detection for awhile if it changes its coat, but the host's immune system
will soon catch up, and recognize the new coat. Yet another coat is needed. The
pathogen has to constantly keep one step ahead of its host's defenses. If its
coat protein genes are the mutational hot spots, then there is a good chance
that it will be able to do so. (p. 323)