Last modified: 2024-01-30
This is a course page of
David Casperson
You are here: homeSemestersWinter 2024CPSC 704
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

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CPSC 704 — Graduate Seminar in Computer Science — Winter 2024

This page summarises information about CPSC 704.

Graduate standing Computer Science or related discipline.
Important Information

Important information may be posted here from time to time.

No gnus are good gnus

Students in this course who, because of a disability, may have a need for special academic accommodations should discuss this with the instructor, or contact the Access Resource Centre located in the Library Building in Room 5-157.

Room and Hours
F 10:00–11:20 in 8-161.
Grading Scheme1:

This course is a pass/fail course.

To pass this course you need only dtermine if P=NP.

Tue, Jan 091 Initial
Fri Jan 192
Fri Jan 263
Fri Feb 024
Fri Feb 095
Fri Feb 166 CS Retreat
Fri Feb 23 Winter Break
Fri Mar 017
Fri Mar 088
Fri Mar 159
Fri Mar 22A
Fri Mar 29B
Fri Apr 05C Last class
Course Dates
(See also the project due dates )
First Class Tue, Jan 09 Tuesday
Winter Break 2024-02-20 to 2024-02-23.
Good Friday 2024-03-29 Friday
Easter Monday 2024-04-01 Monday
Last Day of Classes Tue, Apr 09
Final There is no final exam

Other dates can be found on the University web-site here.

Handout Dates
2023-09-12 Course Syllabus
Tips on giving talks
LaTeX links
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The Beamer User Guide
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Winter 2024
David’s Schedule

CPSC related resources
Java related information
UML-related information
CPSC 101 [All years]
CPSC 200 [All years]
CPSC 704

UNBC Undergraduate Calendar
Computer Science (BSc)
