Last modified: 2023-11-28
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 101: Computer Programming II

Winter 2024 Policies

These policies apply to CPSC 101 taught in Prince George in the Winter 2024 semester.

Don’t. First offenses result in a grade of -100% and formal notification of the Office of the Registrar. Allowing someone to copy your work is cheating. The UNBC Calendar describes academic offenses and possible penalties in more detail.
Assignment Submission:

Lab assignments are typically due on Fridays.

Homework is to be submitted through Moodle unless otherwise noted. submissions are normally unlimited in number. If you have difficulty resubmitting an assignment, e-mail an instructor.

Material due M W F is due by the beginning of the corresponding lecture, unless otherwise noted.

Formal project documents may be summitted as .pdf documents through Moodle. Paper subussions are also ok.

Late Policy:

This late policy attempts to balance:

  • rewarding students who manage their time effectively,
  • encouraging students to complete assignments,
  • discouraging perfectionism,
  • and
  • maintaining a sane environment for markers.

This policy applies especially to programming homework. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are due. Assignments received after the beginning of class are late.

Assignments that are late have the maximum possible mark reduced. For instance, for a programming assignment that is graded out of 50 marks that is handed in at the beginning of the lecture after it was due, the maximum possible mark is 43. If you would have scored 47/50, you score 43/50; if you would have scored 42/50, you still score 42/50.

In other words, there are diminishing rewards for perfect work. If your assignment is a week late already, just hand something in, and move on.

All programming assignments will be received up until the end of the course, and the maximum possible mark will never drop below 50% of the assignment mark. The maximum possible mark drops to 50% when solutions or partial solutions are distributed in class, but you will receive warning should I decide to distribute solutions.

The tolerance for late project assignments is different, because late assignments affect a lot of people. If your group foresees trouble meeting a project deadline, e-mail the instructor before the due date.

Examination Policies:
Students are responsible for being aware of all relevant examination policies. Click here for examination policies common to all courses.
Attendance in this course is the student's responsibility and is generally not monitored by the instructor. Tutorial attendance is mandatory and is monitored tutorial instructors. Attendance during team term project demonstrations will be monitored, and factored in to student term project grades. Students are entirely responsible for being aware of material discussed in lecture, even if they are unavoidably prevented from attending.
Cell phones and other Devices:
Do not use devices in ways that interfere with others’ class room experience. Use of cell-phone, smart-watch, and so on,during examinations is forbidden.
Marking Scheme Changes:
I reserve the right to change weightings given in the marking scheme on the course outline. Students are guaranteed that their letter grade will not decrease as the result of such a change.
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