Last modified: 2023-11-19
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 370: Functional and Logic Programming


These policies apply to CPSC 370 taught in Prince George in the Fall 2023 semester.

Marking Scheme Changes:
I reserve the right to change weightings given in the marking scheme on the course outline. Students are guaranteed that their letter grade will not decrease as the result of such a change.
Attendance in this course is the student's responsibility. Students are entirely responsible for being aware of material discussed in lecture, even if they are unavoidably prevented from attending.
Examination Policies:
Students are responsible for being aware of all relevant examination policies. Click here for examination policies common to all courses.
Cell phones:
Please avoid being disruptive. Cell-phones are forbidden during examinations.
Programming Homework Submission:

Homework, both programming and non-programming, is to be submitted by e-mail to the course instructor.

Non-programming problem solutions may be submitted in the body of an e-mail message, or as a .txt or .pdf attachment.

Programming problem solutions should be submitted as e-mail attachments, preferably with .hs extensions for Haskell code and .pl extensions for Prolog code.

I prefer that multi-file solutions be submitted as a digest (that is a .tgz, .tar, .zip, .7z, or .rar file) with my preferences being approximately the order listed.

All attachment file names should somehow indicate your identity, and files containing code should also contain a comment at the top identifying you and the question that you are attempting to answer.

Late Policy:

Homework is either pending or due. As soon as homework is pending, you may submit your solution, but I feel no obligation to mark it immediately.

As soon as homework is due, I will try to mark it quickly enough that feedback is useful.

Homework is never late, but I feel no obligation to mark homework submitted after the due date in a timely manner.

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CPSC 370 [Other years]
CPSC 704
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UNBC Undergraduate Calendar
Computer Science (BSc)
