include_once "$home/frags/compute_anchors.php" ; Winter 2023 CPSC 101 Project
Last modified: 2023-03-22
This is a course page of
David Casperson
You are here: homeSemestersWinter 2023CPSC 101project
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

Winter 2023 CPSC 101 — Project


The project has be changed to include a self-reflection report.

The Overview, and Design Process documents have been updated.

The Specification has not yet been finalized.


No news is good news.


In Winter 2023, CPSC 101 has (like always) a team term project. In Winter 2023, the team term project is to implement a program that plays Cribbage (a card game).

Teams are selected by Dr Casperson based on lab and tutorial section, previous grades, and other arcane criteria. Teams likely consist of five or six students.


A document

An overview of the work to be done and dates can be found in .pdf format by clicking the image to the left.

The detailed list of tasks and dates has not yet been created. can be found here. For convenience, these due dates and assignments are:

Activity Due Date %-age
Design 2023-02-08 Wednesday 30%
Revised Design 2023-02-16 Thursday 0%
Implementation 2023-03-17 Friday 50%
Presentation 2023-03-20 – 24 0%
Testing 2023-03-31 Friday 10%
Revision 2023-04-05 Wednesday 10%
Self reflection 2023-03-31 Friday 15%
(Weights will be scaled up to 100%.)


A document

The project problem specification can be found by clicking the icon to the left.

A document

A description of the card game Cribbage can be found by clicking the document symbol to the left.

Design Process

A document

Documentation of the design process can be found on at
assets/pdf/cpsc101/2023/2023-cpsc101-project-design-method.pdf .

See “A Sample Design Document” below for a sample design document.

A Note on Formal Documents

A document

A general note on how to write formal documents can be found under at assets/pdf/cpsc101/2023/2023-cpsc101-formal-reports.pdf .

A Sample Design Document

A document

An imaginary design document that implements the design process described above can be found under at
at assets/pdf/cpsc101/2023/2023-cpsc101-formal-reports.pdf .

The problem that this design document addresses is listed as an appendix. This is not necessary for your documents.

Self Reflection Report

A document

Requirements for the Self Reflection report can be found by clicking on the link to the left.

This is an individual assignment.

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