Last modified: 2023-01-26
This is a course web page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 370: Functional and Logic Programming ( )

Pending homework questions

Questions 1–13 are now due. (Find questions that are due here.)

  1. Write a Haskell program to find all of the k-element sublists of a given list. Assuming that the original list is sorted, the sublists should be in lexicographic order. For instance, subList 3 [2,3,5,7,11] should be
    [[2,3,5],   [2,3,7],   [2,3,11],   [2,5,7],
     [2,5,11],  [2,7,11],  [3,5,7],    [3,5,11],
     [3,7,11], [5,7,11]]

    If possible, make your program incremental, so that a computation like 3 `take` (100000 `drop` (subList 20 [1..40])) is relatively fast.

  2. Write a Scheme program to find all of the k-element sublists of a given list, as in the previous problem.

    If possible, make your program tail recursive.

  3. Write a Haskell program to find out whether a given list is a sublist of a second list. For instance, [3,5,11] `isSubList` [2,3,5,7,11] should be True; [3,5,2] `isSubList` [2,3,5,7,11] should be False.
  4. Using your solutions to Questions 14 and 15 and code like the Prolog code given in class, see how Haskell, Scheme, and Prolog perform at the task of finding the first sublist of size 10 of [1 .. 40] of the form [2,X,4,Y,Z, ...] where X+Y+Z=16.
  5. Write a Prolog} predicate memberRem(X,Set,Setp) that holds when X is a member of the list Set, and SetP is what results when X is deleted from Set. For instance, memberRem(3,[1,2,3,4],U) succeeds with U=[1,2,4].
  6. Write merge sort in Prolog. For bonus credit, write merge sort that takes a binary predicate as an additional argument, and uses that to sort.
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