Last modified: 2022-12-31
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 100 — Computer Programming I — Fall 2012

Old Examinations

YearMidterm LinkComments
2001Midterm I 2001-cpsc100-midterm1.pdf This course was taught in C++. This examination is somewhat more technical than what I expect to give this year.
2008Midterm I 2008-cpsc100-midterm1.pdf
2008Midterm II 2008-cpsc100-midterm2.pdf

No resemblance between previous examinations and this year's examinations is guaranteed.

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CPSC 100 [Other years]
Lab and Tutorial Schedule
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How to use scriptfix
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CPSC 370 [Other years]
David’s Schedule
