Last modified: 2023-12-28
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 370 — Functional and Logic Programming — Fall 2011

This page summarises information about CPSC 370. The links provide more detail.

A grade of C- or better in cpsc 141 and cpsc 281; or permission of instructor.
Important Information

Important information may be posted here from time to time.

More homework is now due.


Students in this course who, because of a disability, may have a need for special academic accommodations should discuss this with the instructor, or contact the Access Resource Centre located in the Teaching & Learning Building in Room 10-1048.

Click the Labs link at the side.
Grading Scheme:1
Homework 25%
Midterm I20% 2011-10-12
Midterm II20% 2011-11-09
Final35%Tue, Dec 06
There is no required text, but Ullman is available from the bookstore and strongly recommended. The Books link gives more information.
Prolog information
Web resources for Prolog can be found here.
There is a Blackboard web-site for this course that can be found here
See the homework link on the menu-bar.
  1. I reserve the right to change the weight of any portion of this marking scheme. If changes are made, your grade will be calculated using the original weighting and the new weighting, and you will be given the higher of the two.
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CPSC 100 [Other years]
CPSC 370 [Other years]
Prolog resources
Blackboard Link
David’s Schedule
