Last modified: 2022-12-31
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 100 — Computer Programming I — Fall 2011

Click for a printed course outline.

Important Information

Important information will be posted here from time to time.

Contact Information

David's contact information can be found here. An approximation of David's schedule can be found here.

Old exams
Some old examinations can be found here. There is no guarantee that these examinations will resemble this year's examinations.
Grading Scheme and Due Dates:
First ClassWed, Sep 07
ThanksgivingMon, Oct 10
Midterm I20% Wed, Oct 12
Last Drop Day Tue, Oct 18
Midterm II20%Wed, Nov 09
Course EvaluationWed, Nov 30
Last ClassFri, Dec 02
Tutorial Participationup to 5%weekly
Assignments20% weekly
Final40% Mon, Dec 12
Click the Labs link at the side.
Topics (not necessarily in order) :

An overview of computer hardware. Number systems. Binary arithmetic. Problem solving techniques. Program development process. File I/O. Data types. Arithmetic and logical expressions. Looping and control structures. Static Methods. Classes, Objects, and Object Creation. Inheritance. Garbage Collection.

An introduction to Unix, editors, Java compiler and debugging tools is provided in the labs.

2011-09-07 WCourse Syllabus
2011-09-12 MCode Screen Shot (as Java)
2011-09-30 Lecture Code handout (on Blackboard)
Final Examination
The final examination is Monday, December 12 in room 8-166 from 9am to noon.
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CPSC 100 [Other years]
Old Exams
How to use scriptfix
Blackboard Link
CPSC 370 [Other years]
David’s Schedule
