Last modified: 2021-04-23
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 101 — Computer Programming II — Winter 2011

Click for a printed course outline.

Important Information

Important information will be posted here from time to time.

Lab 6 due date changed.
Review and Revision due dates changed.
Lab 5 updated.
Contact Information
Click here for Dr David Casperson’s contact information.
Big Java by Cay Horstman. 3rd edition. Isbn: 0-471-69703-6.
Grading Scheme:
Lab Assignments15%
Team Project15%
Tutorial Participation5%
Midterm I15%
Midterm II15%
Printer names
Click here for more information about printer names.
Due Dates:
Lab AssignmentsWeekly. Found here.
Team Projectsee here.
Midterm I2011-02-04 Friday
Winter Break 2011-02-14–2011-02-18.
Midterm II 2011-03-04 Friday
2011-04-16 Saturday
13:30–16:30 in 10-4588

Other dates can be found on the University web-site here.

Rooms and Hours
Click here for David’s schedule.
from (not necessarily in the order listed)
Memory organization. General programming concepts (discussed in Java) including an introduction to template, and exceptions and exception handling. An introduction to object-oriented design and design patterns. Object-oriented programming concepts, including: inheritance, overriding and overloading, inner classes, and polymorphism. Graphics programming (specifically using Swing in Java).
2011-01-05 Printed Outline
2011-01-15 Crossword Exercise
2011-01-21 2008 ABC’s
2011-02-25 Sample GUI Code
  • Assignments are late if they are not received at the beginning of the lecture at which they are due. Further details on late policy can be found with other policies here.
  • There will be between 4 and 8 programming assignments, the assignments being given out approximately weekly.
  • Discussion of assignment topic is encouraged but all assignments must be done independently. Copied assignments are considered as “Academic Dishonesty.” Responses to academic dishonesty include assigning a mark of -100% and written notification of the Dean. Again, see the policies link for more details and other policies.
  • Tutorial participation is mandatory.
  • The team project accounts for 15% of your mark in this course, and your participation in the team project affects the grade of your fellow team-mates. Team meetings and other team project activities happen outside of scheduled class times. Please plan accordingly.
  • Some Wednesday classes may be swapped with Thursday tutorials, and some Wednesday classes may covered by someone other than Dr Casperson, depending on Senate scheduling.
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