Last modified: 2022-08-01
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia
Question 1

Nested comments cannot be handled by a lexical analyzer built from a finite state machine. This has consequences for tools. For instance Emacs might have a harder time colouring comments.

On the other hand, a programmer can easily comment out any section of program that doesn't explicitly contain a fragment of a comment if comments nest. When comments don't nest it is quite easy to make an error when attempting to comment out a long section of code.

Question 2

One of the tricky things here is first specifying how we are going to specify a regular expression. The answer given here is quite loose and in the spirit of Flex.

  printing       = a | b | c | ...    /* all printing characters. */
  escape         = a | b | f | n | r | t | v | ' | " | ? 
               | ooo | xhhh
where ooo is a sequence of octal digits and xhhh stands for a sequence of hexadecimal digits.
  slash          = \
  lf             = /* the line ending sequence */
  string_literal = " ( {printing} | {slash} {escape} | {slash} {lf} ) * "
In this solution {, }, |, *, and ( and ) are meta-characters, as are the C-style comments. The rest of the characters are intended literally.

An actual regular expression can be obtained by substiting previous definitions in for the {...} sequences in the final definition.

Question 3
Here is one C++ solution.

Here is another solution that builds a Finite State Machine first.

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