Last modified: 2021-04-23
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 101: Computer Programming II (2007)

Click for a printable .pdf-file containing the same information as this page.

Objective C is a different course
Lectures are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 15:30 to 16:30 in 8-164. Students must be enrolled in both a lab and a tutorial. See the CPSC 101 schedule for office hours.
Laboratory Homework:
Laboratory assignments will be given approximately weekly.

Although not always up-to-date, here is a list of current laboratory assignments.

Team Term Project
The project has not yet been chosen, but will run approximately as follows.
Marking Scheme:
Lab Homeworkweekly15%
Quizzedunexpected and infrequent*
Projectsemester long15%
Tutorial Participationsemester long5%
Midterm IWed January 3115%
Midterm IIWed March 7 15%
FinalScheduled for
Fri, April 20, 13:30–16:30
Room 7-152
*Marks included in the lab marks
Check the Registrar's site. It is official; this web-site is not.
Text Books:
Don't. First offenses result in a grade of -100% on the assignment in question and formal notification of the College Dean. Allowing someone to copy your work is cheating. The UNBC Calendar describes academic offenses and possible penalties in more detail. See also the CPSC 101 Course Policies.
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