Last modified: 2022-08-01
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia
Most of these dates are copied straight from the University Calendar. Dates of midterms and assignments due dates can be obtained from Dr. Zahir.
Some Dates
2006-01-03TueFirst day of classes
2006-02-13MonSemester Break
2006-02-22WedDrop Date
2006-02-27Mon Midterm
2006-03-28Tue Tutorial Course evaluation (for C3 and C4).
2006-03-30Thu Tutorial Course evaluation (for C1 and C2).
2006-04-05WedLast Day of Classes
2006-04-07FriFirst Day of Exams
2006-04-11TueDate for final exam. 18:00–21:00 5-176. Note that both the room and the date have changed since the first tentative schedule.
2006-04-22SatLast Day of Exams
Home page Semesters Site Map
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2025-03 other links

CPSC 101
Time Table
Cheat Sheet on Pointers (pdf)
CPSC 499
David’s Schedule
