Last modified: 2019-12-18
This is a course page of
David Casperson
Associate Professor
Computer Science
University of Northern British Columbia

CPSC 141: Discrete Computational Mathematics I

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to provide an introduction to the mathematical language, reasoning and methods; to introduce material used directly in later Computer Science courses; and, importantly, to explain how to reason mathematically.
Lectures are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 11:30 to 12:20 in 8-164. There are no assigned labs or tutorials with this course. See my schedule for office hours.
Around eight assignments, approximately weekly. See the CPSC 141 Course Policies for acceptable formats for submission and more information.
Marking Scheme:
Midterm I20%
Midterm II20%
Text Books:
  • Mathematical Structures for Computer Science: A Modern Treatment of Discrete Mathematics by Judith L. Gersting is required.
  • Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: an Applied Introduction by Ralph P. Grimaldi is the old text for this course.
Click the syllabus link for more information.
First offenses result in a grade of -100% on the assignment in question and formal notification of the College Dean. Allowing someone to copy your work is cheating. The UNBC Calendar describes academic offenses and possible penalties in more detail. See also the CPSC 141 Course Policies.
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