Math 320 - Survey of Algebra
Fall 2016

Instructor:  Dr. Iliya Bluskov

e-mail: (AT=@)

Course web page:
Office:  10-2030

Phone:  960-6626

Office Hours:  MWF  14:30-15:30

Lectures:  13:30-14:20, 5-121

Text:  Joseph Gallian,  Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 8th edition.  My notes are available in the copy store.
Student Solutions Manual. 
Prerequisites:  MATH 220.  Recommended: MATH 224.
Course Content:  This is an introductory course in Abstract Algebra. We will roughly cover the material in Chapters 1-11 of the text.  Topics include: Modular arithmetic, cyclic groups, permutation groups, cosets, homomorphism theorems for groups, basic properties of rings.

Grading Scheme:  There will be assignments (potentially weekly) worth 15%, two mid-terms (Friday, October 7 and Wednesday, November 9) worth 40% and a final exam worth 45%. I reserve the right to change  this marking scheme (although if changes are made your grade will be calculated using the original scheme and the new one and you will be given the higher of the two).

Assignments:  The assignments are due in class. No late assignments will be accepted. In case you have not completed an assignment, then the best strategy would be to submit it as it is and get some partial mark. Solutions will be distributed immediately after the due date of the assignment.