Finite Mathematics

Course Outline

Fall 2ooX

Instructor: Dr. Iliya Bluskov

Office: 10-2030

Phone: 960-6626

E-mail: bluskovi at (where " at " is actually "@")

Office Hours:  MWF 14:00-15:30

Prerequisites: Math 12

Textbook(s)Finite Mathematics and its Applications (seventh edition), Goldstein, Steiner and Siegel. Student's Solution Manual (optional).

Course DescriptionWe will roughly cover the material in Chapters 1-6 and 10. Topics include (but are not restricted to)

Calculators: I encourage the use of calculators, including the use of graphing and programable ones. However, note that only non-graphing non-programable calculators will be permitted on the tests.

Evaluation:There will be three midterms and 3 quizzes. The midterms have fixed dates (given below). The quizzes will be given during the last 20 minutes of the lecture. The dates of the quizzes will be posted on the course site and announced in class, no later than during the lecture preceding the one with the quiz.