
The Fray

The Fray are a band based out of Denver Colorado. Started in 2002 by band members Issac Slade (vocals, piano) and Joe King (vocals, guitar). Soon after Ben Wysocki (drums) and Dave Welsh (guitar) were asked to join. The Fray have had incredible success with hit songs off their  debut CD How To Save A Life, with tracks such as Over My Head (Cable Car) and How To Save A Life. The first single, Over My Head (Cable Car) went straight to the top 10 on the Billboard singles chart, which certified itself platinum. How To Save A Life is used on the hit television show Grey's Anatomy. The Fray have a lot more coming. They have had many successes in such a short time. In the next year they are going on tour over seas and then coming back over to North America where they may work on a new CD.


Here is a link to The Fray's website