la̱g̱a̱x= [la̱/*g̱a̱x]
preverbal. at both ends; both ways
../mp3s/l/lagax--dl-hb-01.mp3 La̱g̱a̱x haaytga nooyu a gup'l da pdeex. My mother stands up for two crests.

Related entries: Stem with modifying proclitic la̱g̱a̱xgyigyootk  doublebladed axe | Stem with modifying proclitic la̱g̱a̱xg̱a̱deelpk  anchor on both ends | Stem with modifying proclitic la̱g̱a̱x'lihaytk  stand in two clans | Stem with modifying proclitic la̱g̱a̱xna̱ks  person who has two wives/husbands | Stem with modifying proclitic la̱g̱a̱xts'ap  dying person who has begun talking to the dead | Stem with modifying proclitic la̱g̱a̱x algya̱x  translator | Stem with modifying proclitic la̱g̱a̱x ni'itsk  person who has eyes in the back of his head | Stem with modifying proclitic la̱g̱a̱x txa̱naaẅ  landing places or moorings on both sides of a point of land | Stem with modifying proclitic la̱x'naks  person with two spouses

Source: Draft Dictionary entry.