aa1 [*aa]
common noun. fern roots; edible root; medicine root. The roots come in a globe, each segment looks like a little banana. You boil the globe, pull apart the segments, and mix them with grease and sugar before eating. This can also be used as an antidote for food poisoning
Scientific name: Dryopteris expansa; see also Dryopteris felix-mas.
../mp3s/aa/aa-vn-hb-06.mp3 Akandi ts'ma'anł aa. I don't like fern roots.
Sayt güültas nooyu aa. My mother used to gather (edible) fern roots.
missing: ../jpgs/n_turner/dryopteris2.jpg
Photograph courtesy of Nancy Turner.
missing: ../jpgs/n_turner/dryopteris.jpg
Photograph courtesy of Nancy Turner.
missing: ../jpgs/n_turner/dryopteris_expansa.jpg
Photograph courtesy of Nancy Turner.
missing: ../jpgs/n_turner/dryopteris_filix-mas.jpg
Photograph courtesy of Nancy Turner.
missing: ../jpgs/n_turner/dryopteris_filix-mas2.jpg
Photograph courtesy of Nancy Turner.

Bibliographic sources: Dunn, Practical Dictionary entry: 3.
Source: Draft Dictionary entry.