sabaa [sa/*baa]
1. intransitive verb. end; finish; completed
Ła sabaa sag̱ayt wa̱n. The meeting has ended.
Ła dm sabaa suunt wil sit'aatga misma̱sgit. At the end of the summer when they're beginning to get red.
missing: ../jpgs/5-print-artist-drawings/CROSSING FINISH LINE.jpg
Image from Print Artist Platinum software, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.
2. intransitive verb. get off
G̱aaydmboosn hoy 'yuuta sabaat da la̱x gyipaaygnsk. The man was wearing a hat when he got off the plane.
3. intransitive verb. die

Related entries: Cross Ref: dza̱g̱m baa1  near the end | Cross Ref: ḵ'aymsawaal  die suddenly/accidental death | Idiom sabaa sah  end of the day | Cross Ref: sadibaa  finish off

Source: Draft Dictionary entry.