haldaaks [hal/*daaks]
Derivative composed of: haldaaw   medicate, -ks  
common noun. ointment; any medicine you apply by rubbing it on the skin; topical preparation
Wüliil haldaaks awil siipga g̱a̱xsaaybn. Rub medicine on your aching arthritis.
../mp3s/h/haldaaks-mw-hb-01.mp3 Wan haldaaks awaan dawil g̱a̱xsaaybn. Rub that medicine on your aching arthritis.
../mp3s/h/haldaaw-mw-hb-01.mp3 Gooyu haldaaks wil ḵ'aa an'on? What kind of ointment is on your cut hand?

Source: Draft Dictionary entry.