małiitk [ma/*łiitk]
Dialectal Variant of: mełiitk  green
intransitive verb. pale; green (including of a person, as in 'green' with seasickness)
../mp3s/m/maliit-pg-ps-01.mp3 Ła małiitga łgu 'yuuta gwa̱'a̱ - mag̱oop. The man is green from seasickness.
../mp3s/m/maliitk-vn-hb-01.mp3 Siipga 'yuuta; luk'wil małiitk. The man is sick; he is very pale [green].
Małiitga ksłüüsgas Mildred. Mildred's shirt is green.

Related entries: Spelling Variant müłiitk  pale

Bibliographic sources: Dunn, Practical Dictionary entry: 1387.
Source: Draft Dictionary entry.