-at2 [t] [(a)t] ../mp3s/a/at-mb-k-01.mp3 ../mp3s/a/-at-db-kk-03.mp3
connective joining to following proper noun; predicative connective; usage: Used with proper nouns which are not marked for location and are subjects or objects in the high style
../mp3s/t/t_cn-ab-takwaan-01.mp3 Niidzas Nadint Isabelle. Nadine saw Isabelle.
../mp3s/t/nah niidzut Clarence-vn-hb-07.mp3 Nat niidzut Clarence. Clarence saw me.
../mp3s/a/at-mb-k-01.mp3 Łat 'nisga̱tgitga awtat 'niit. The porcupine made fun of him.

Related entries: Compare -as  proper noun connective | Cross Ref: -gat  predicative connective

Source: Draft Dictionary entry. Draft Dictionary entry. Draft Dictionary entry.