ḵ'amksiwa̱h [ḵ'am/ksi/*wa̱h] ../mp3s/k'ul/kamksiwah-dl-hb-01.mp3 ../mp3s/k'ul/k'amksiwah-db-kk-03.mp3 ../mp3s/v_robinson/k'amsiwah.vr.hb.80.mp3
common noun. Euro-Canadian; white person
../mp3s/k'ul/kamksiwah-dl-hb-01.mp3 G̱alts'abm ḵ'amksiwa̱h wil dzog̱m. We're living in the European town.
../mp3s/k'ul/k'amksiwah-db-kk-03.mp3 Heelda ḵ'amksiwa̱h da Ḵxeen. There are a lot of non-First Nations people on Kaien Island.

Related entries: Free Variant a̱mksiwa̱h  white person | g̱a̱lmḵ'a̱mksiwa̱h  tobacco box | Derivative Ḵ'amksiwaamx  English language | maaya ḵ'amksiwah  blackcurrants/fruit | ts'u'utsm ḵ'amksiwa̱h  chicken | wündo ḵ'a̱mksiwa̱h  chewing tobacco | 'yensm ḵ'a̱mksiwa̱h  vegetables

Bibliographic sources: Dunn, Practical Dictionary entry: 1999.
Source: Draft Dictionary entry.