loop [loop]
common noun. stone; rock
La̱xlooba wil 'lii wa̱n ts'i'iḵa. Sea shells are on rocks.
../mp3s/l/loop-em-hb-02.mp3 T'aa 'wii loop dan süülg̱a ḵ'ala aks. There are big rocks and the river is dangerous.
missing: ../jpgs/tpr-jpgs/Unit 8- object- Rock.jpg
Image courtesy of Aboriginal Education, School District 52

Related entries: bla̱g̱mloop  mossy green rocks/mossy-green colour | da̱xsn loop  skip a stone on water | g̱aayłmloop  stone mortar | ha'oyksm loop  pounder | Plural liploop  rocks | log̱a̱loop  brown | Dialectal Variant lo'op  stone | Free Variant lop  stone | Compound looba ts'aaẅ  kidney | Compound looba̱ g̱a̱p'ilah  shot | Derivative loop'is  testes | ma̱sg̱aloop  sea anemone | mi'isaloop  sea anemone | sts'oola̱loop  marine isopods | ts'asgwa loop  sealice | ts'mloop  cave

Bibliographic sources: Dunn, Practical Dictionary entry: 1190.
Source: Draft Dictionary entry.