'wiileeksa g̱asg̱aaw ['wii/*leeks/a/g̱as/*g̱aawt]
Phrasal Verb composed of: 'wiileeks  big, g̱asg̱aaw  be a size
intransitive verb. large size; great amount
../mp3s/'w/'wiileeksagasgaawt-dl-hb-03.mp3 G̱al 'wiileeksa g̱asg̱aaw ksłüüsgn. Your shirt is too large.
../mp3s/'w/'wiileeksagasgaawt-dl-hb-03.mp3 'Wiileeksa g̱asg̱aaw 'li'waays dip gwa̱'a̱. These people have had a great loss.
missing: ../jpgs/8-print-artist-drawings/BOY IN HUGE PANTS.jpg
Image from Print Artist Platinum software, version 23, Bonus Graphics CD.

Bibliographic sources: Dunn, Practical Dictionary entry: 2082.
Source: Draft Dictionary entry.