si=2 [si]
preverbal. make or begin - this proclitic appears before an intransitive verb and makes a new verb that means to make someone/something do that or begin to do that
Dawila sigyootkt, dawila silm yeltgit, haydza 'yuuta gwa'a. Then they left right away, they returned home, this man sent it away.
Da'ik sigyootga dit gya'wn dawila 'li gyookst gisga na uut. Once again they departed and they went to their halibut fishing grounds.
Dawilat sit'aa'madit gya'wn, sit'aa'madida, hawaal dzabit. And then he started right away, he started to make arrows.

Related entries: si'ats'ik  straighten | Stem with modifying proclitic sibaas  scare | Stem with modifying proclitic sidaaw  freeze or set | Stem with modifying proclitic sigüünk  make dry | sigwaank  bake | Stem with modifying proclitic sigwelk  light a fire | Stem with modifying proclitic sigyeks  make peace | Stem with modifying proclitic sigyemk  heat up | Stem with modifying proclitic sigyemsa̱x  make someone feel at home | Stem with modifying proclitic sigyootk  set out | sit'aa  start to | Stem with modifying proclitic sit'u'utsk  blacken | Stem with modifying proclitic sits'uusk  make small | Stem with modifying proclitic sits'üü  scold | Stem with modifying proclitic si'wiihoon  twins | Stem with modifying proclitic siyełk  polish | si g̱awsk  diet | Stem with modifying proclitic si sis'aaxs  make someone laugh | si wo'mlk  make [false] eyelashes | si xbiiyee  add on | Idiom smiik'a̱sk  singing birds | Stem with modifying proclitic suwa̱noo  bother/complain

Source: Draft Dictionary entry.