'wah= ['wah]
Spelling Variant of: 'wa̱h=  without
1. prenominal. not
Luk'wil 'wahts'muu łguwoomłk. The child is not listening.
2. preverbal. without
'Wah gyooms waalt Vern. Vern did it very carelessly.

Related entries: Spelling Variant 'wa=  without | Stem with modifying proclitic 'wahk'üült  sometimes | Stem with modifying proclitic 'wah'waa  in doubt | Stem with modifying proclitic 'wah g̱ontk  middle of nowhere | 'wah la alayat  not listen/not accept advice | Stem with modifying proclitic 'wah 'nabuuysk  unexpected

Bibliographic sources: Dunn, Practical Dictionary entry: 2044.
Source: Draft Dictionary entry.