'yens ['yens]
common noun. leaf; leaves
../mp3s/'y/'yens-dl-hb-03.mp3 Gooym wil ma̱xsa 'yens. Leaves begin to grow in the springtime.
../mp3s/'y/'yens-dl-hb-03.mp3 Ksuuda ła p'uutga 'yens. Leaves scatter in the fall.
missing: ../jpgs/chss-pics-2006/brianne-gladstone-yensm.jpg
Image created by Brianne Gladstone when she was a student of Sm’algyax at Charles Hayes Secondary School.
missing: ../jpgs/y-hard/'yens_dzawes.jpg
'Yensm dza'west are used between layers of seaweed when caking it.
missing: ../jpgs/tpr-jpgs/Unit 8- object- Leaf .jpg
Image courtesy of Aboriginal Education, School District 52

Related entries: ksg̱oog̱mla̱x'yens  first frost | liks'yens  weeds | su'yens  new leaves | Dialectal Variant yans  leaves | Compound 'yensm g̱a̱nga̱ba  leafy green vegetables | Compound 'yensm ḵ'a̱mksiwa̱h  vegetables

Bibliographic sources: Dunn, Practical Dictionary entry: 2224.
Source: Draft Dictionary entry.