Stem with modifying proclitic composed of: git=  people, ḵ'a'at  cane, -'a  detransitivizing suffix
common noun. Hartley Bay people; Gitḵ'a'ata - People of the Cane
Wayi gwa̱'a̱ gyik wila waalsga Gitḵ'a'atag̱a wilaayu, This is something else I know about Hartley Bay,
As da wag̱ayt ada la'ooy dzog̱a Gitḵ'a'ata da ḵ'ala Ksyen. Many, many years ago, when the Gitg̱a'ata lived at the upper Skeena
../mp3s/g/Gitka'ata-tr-hb-06.mp3 Ada wayt la'ooy wil dzog̱a Gitḵa'ata ḵ'ala Ksyen. And it was long ago when the Gitga'ata lived on the Skeena.
missing: ../jpgs/t/txal_giu.jpg