si sg̱a̱n [si/*sg̱a̱n]
Stem with modifying proclitic composed of: si=1  harvest/do/make/begin, sg̱a̱n  cedar mat
1. intransitive verb. weave a mat; usage: this kind of weaving makes a pattern of squares
Ḵ'am abuu si sg̱a̱ndit gya'wn. Only a few weave cedar mats now.
../mp3s/s/sisgan-dl-hb-01.mp3 Dm si sg̱a̱n'nu dziła yeltgi. I am going weave a mat when I return.
2. common noun. horizontal weave
missing: ../jpgs/4tsm-wmn/lola8.jpg
Flora Eaton beginning to make a woven cedar mat. Photograph by Margaret Anderson

Bibliographic sources: Dunn, Practical Dictionary entry: 1669.
Source: Draft Dictionary entry.