x= [x]
prenominal. consume; experience
../mp3s/x/x-dl-hb-03.mp3 Laan dzi ḵ'a g̱axdiim. Let us go have tea.

Related entries: Gispaxlo'ots  Gispaxlo'ots | gułxbaa'la̱xs1  nightmare | Derivative gwa̱xgoomsmk  winter food | g̱a̱lmxbeepa  pepper shaker | g̱a̱lmxmoon  salt shaker | g̱a̱lmxsuga̱  sugar bowl | g̱a̱lmxsuup  soup bowl | g̱a̱xsayp  arthritis | ha'li'xhoon  July/August | ha'li'xmaay  June | Ha'lila̱x six'ẅa̱h  March | haxba̱ta̱  table knife | haxts'iika  bolt | Stem with modifying proclitic ma̱xmeex  grouse | sa̱xdoo  gather | xada̱łk  strap | xa'nuu  hear | Stem with modifying proclitic xa̱naawxk  enjoy keeping | xa̱nooya̱x  snore | Derivative xbaa'la̱xs  talking to the dead | Stem with modifying proclitic xbeexs  saw | Stem with modifying proclitic xdiyaaw  receive a burial payment | Stem with modifying proclitic xdii  eat with | Stem with modifying proclitic xga̱p'sk  eat berries off the bush | xgüüs  catch salmon | Stem with modifying proclitic xgwa̱tks  feel cold | Stem with modifying proclitic xgyet  kill with witchcraft/cannibal | Stem with modifying proclitic xg̱a̱nłaaks  breakfast | Stem with modifying proclitic xkopii  have coffee | Stem with modifying proclitic xlaguulk'a  claim for remembrance | Stem with modifying proclitic xlu'an'on  receive burial payment | Derivative xłg̱ooy  pay for | Stem with modifying proclitic xmas  memorial feast | Stem with modifying proclitic xmaalka̱sk  keepsake - possessions of a dead person passed over the fire and given away | Stem with modifying proclitic xp'iyaan  smoke/cigarette smoke | Stem with modifying proclitic xp'oo  crack | Stem with modifying proclitic xsgyen  chew gum | xsg̱a̱niis  climb a mountain | xsoo  canoe | Stem with modifying proclitic xt'u'utsk  mourning | Stem with modifying proclitic xts'u'utsk  hawk | Stem with modifying proclitic xwaal  receive gifts at a feast

Source: Draft Dictionary entry.