Dr. Mark Shegelski
Professor of Physics
Mark Shegelski was previously Assistant Professor at the University of Lethbridge,
Department of Physics. Previous academic posts have also included teaching and research
at Dalhousie University, and research as a Visiting Scientist at the University of New
South Wales in Australia.
He gained his PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics from the University of British Columbia,
MSc in theoretical physics from the University of British Columbia, and a BSc First Class Honours
in astrophysics from the University of Calgary.
Current research interests include quantum mechanical tunneling and decay, and the
motion of sliding, rotating cylinders.
Selected Publications
Quantum Mechanical Tunneling and Decay
Mark R.A. Shegelski and Rebecca Booth,
'Exponential and Non-exponential Decay of an Initially
Localized Quantum State Subject to Two Delta-barriers',
Il Nuovo Cimento B, accepted for publication 05 April, 2005.
Mark R.A. Shegelski, Mark Lundeberg, and Glen L. Goodvin,
'Tipping Time of a Quantum Rod', American Journal of Physics,
accepted for publication 25 March, 2005.
Glen L. Goodvin and Mark R.A. Shegelski,
`Tunneling of a Diatomic Molecule Incident Upon a Potential Barrier',
Physical Review A, 032719-1 to 032719-10 (2005).
Mark R.A. Shegelski and Erik Kozijn,
`Quantum Mechanical versus Quasi-classical Tunneling Times
for Smooth Potentials',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 573-581 (2003).
Mark R.A. Shegelski, Matthew Reid, and Roman Holenstein,
`Exact vs. Quasi-classical Tunneling Times for Idealized Potentials',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1105-1116 (2001).
Sliding Rotating Cylinders
Mark R.A. Shegelski, Glen L. Goodvin, Rebecca Booth,
Peter Bagnall, and Matthew Reid,
`Exact Normal Forces and Trajectories for a Rotating Tripod
Sliding on a Smooth Surface',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 875-890 (2004).
E.T. Jensen and Mark R.A. Shegelski,
`The Motion of Curling Rocks: Experimental Investigation
and Semi-phenomenological Description',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 791-809 (2004).
Mark R.A. Shegelski and Ross Niebergall,
`Reply to Comment on The Motion of a Curling Rock',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 883-888 (2003).
Mark R.A. Shegelski and Roman Holenstein,
`Rapidly Rotating Sliding Cylinders:
Trajectories with Large Lateral Displacements',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 141-147 (2002).
Mark R.A. Shegelski,
`The Motion of a Curling Rock: Analytical Approach',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 857-864 (2000).
Mark R.A. Shegelski and Matthew Reid,
`The Motion of a Curling Rock: Inertial vs. Noninertial Reference Frames',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 903-922 (1999).
Mark R.A. Shegelski, Matthew Reid, and Ross Niebergall,
`The Motion of Rotating Cylinders Sliding on Pebbled Ice',
Canadian Journal of Physics, 847-862 (1999).
Chemical Potential of Ideal Intrinsic Semiconductors
Mark R.A. Shegelski,
`The Chemical potential of an Ideal Intrinsic Semiconductor',
American Journal of Physics, 676-678 (2004).
Mark R.A. Shegelski,
'New Result for the Chemical Potential of Intrinsic Semiconductors:
Low-temperature Breakdown of the Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function',
Solid State Communications, 351-354 (1986).
Physics Program
University of Northern British Columbia
3333 University Way
Prince George, BC
V2N 4Z9
Tel: (250) 960-6663
Fax: (250) 960-5544
E-mail: mras@unbc.ca